Tuesday, January 05, 2010

holidays + hoopla: The List

To be honest, I haven't given much thought to New Year goals for 2010. And really the only one that popped to my head immediately was practice writing 2010. It's been a little rough. I keep writing 20010. 

But after a little thinking I've come up with some goals. My own "Be-attitudes":

1. Be on time. (sounds simple, but Father Time cursed me long ago with perpetual tardiness.)
2. Be simple. (i have a tendency to want everything extravagant and more complex than it needs to be.)
3. Be more charitable. (I posted on this for Christmas. It impacted me. When something really hits you, it's because you needed to hear it.)

"Charity is accepting someone's differences, weaknesses, and shortcomings; having patience with someone who has let us down; or resisting the impulse to become offended when someone doesn't handle something the way we might have hoped. Charity is refusing to take advantage of another's weakness and being willing to forgive someone who has hurt us. Charity is expecting the best of each other." --Marvin J. Ashton

Hopefully, these goals are realized. We'll see. I'm most nervous about "Be on time." :{
I have many, many memories of my dad yelling through the house that if I wasn't in the car in one minute, I'd be left. Oh dad, you never left me though. Thanks for being charitable. Happy New Year!


Garling Ranch said...

What a great list! I need to get mine done too!

cathyg said...

Cristine, this is Cathy Gardner, Romney's mom. She showed me your blog because she knows that I have a similar relationship with "SkiLift"! First, I loved your ideas on charity...I will be keeping that quote from Marvin J. Ashton nearby this year! Second, I was interested in the calendar idea for December that your mom gave you...can I get a copy of that? My email is cathysplace@mstarmetro.net and I would love to hear from you! Tell your mom hi for me! I keep watching, I love your style of writing!

Ashley said...

Cristine - I just got caught up on your blog and it just made me miss you so much! YOur apt is darling, I can't believe you made your own slipcover (Logan sews on buttons for me, I do not sew...yet) which looks awesome, I laughed at loud at the febreezing comment, and love your new years resolutions - being on time is hard for me too! Plus, I think you look gorgeous and I love your hair!!!

WE're in utah for the month of march while logan does a rotation. I've talked to Juls & Kadie about doing a reunion in Idaho - which means you have to be come!! I miss talking to you! What do you thinK???

Love ya,