Friday, April 09, 2010

happy + birthday: Banny

I've been preparing emotionally for this post for the past two weeks now. Just thinking about my Grandma and all the good she does for our family sends me into tears. Happy tears. Thankful tears. Love tears. Grandma Trudy could have been translated years ago. But because Heavenly Father loves me and my family, I think He has kept her here for our sheer happiness. (tears are starting again...) She is an earthly angel and I thank my lucky stars daily to be her granddaughter.
  • Grandma Trudy is soft. Her skin is simply heavenly. I could rub her hand for hours. She gets her silky smoothness from two things: 1. Genetics & 2. Lots of lotion. She likes to lather up daily, a trait she's passed on to her daughters and granddaughters. 
  • Grandma Trudy is soft-hearted. The phrase "a broken heart and a contrite spirit" fits her to a tee. She has compassion and charity for everyone and anyone. She holds your hand and listens with such sincerity that you can't help feeling the love she has for you. She rejoices in your joys and cries with you in your sorrows. I remember going on an errand with her to the grocery store. I was young, maybe around eight years old. We got to the checkout and I doddled a bit putting the groceries in the bag or looking at the toys stacked on the shelves. It was only a few moments, maybe a minute, but when I went back to Grandma's side she was deep in conversation with the checkout lady who was bearing her soul, telling about her divorce and trials. Grandma nodded compassionately and held her hand, intently listening to this woman's confession. She is everyone's friend and confidant and comforter. 
  • Grandma Trudy is a superb gardener. She has a very green thumb. As a matter of fact, that used to be one of my favorite places to go with her and my mom: Green Thumb in Newhall. Everything she touches grows and flourishes. A couple of years ago, I noticed a large green plant with huge leaves standing in the corner of the family room at her home. I asked her what it was, it was so cool, I wanted one. Grandma replied, "Oh it's a poinsettia from last Christmas. It keeps growing and I don't have the heart to throw it out if it's living." A poinsettia! From LAST Christmas. It was beautiful. My mom says things flourish under her care because she putters around them. She sings to them and talks to them and prunes them. It is a wonderful gift that she inherited from her own mother. 
  • Grandma Trudy is a confidence booster! No matter what you did, do, or will do she supports you 100% and makes sure that you know how fantastic, amazing, beautiful, smart, stupendous, remarkable you are!! And she loves adjectives. Every card or conversation ends and begins with how special you are followed by a long list of positive adjectives that will leave you glowing. When I was in 8th grade (I think), I was having some self-confidence issues. I didn't think I was very pretty. Christmas morning at Grandma's I opened a present from her. It was a hand mirror. As I lifted it up to look in the glass, it whistled. She wanted me to look in the mirror everyday, hear it whistle, and know that I was beautiful.  It is the greatest example that I have ever been shown on how to raise my future children: to teach them confidence and self-happiness with who they are and to remind them how much they are loved. 
  • Grandma Trudy is the best Grandma in the world. Hands down. I'll never forget one Sunday when Timmy asked her for a popsicle. They answer was "Of course." He licked that one for awhile and then asked for another one. No hesitation. Timmy was handed another popsicle with a pat on the back. Timmy walked around the kitchen with a wide grin, a popsicle in each hand. She is a "two popsicle" Grandma. She gives and gives and delights in your happiness. 
  • Grandma Trudy has the most infectious laugh. When she realized she had two different shoes on at our famous dinner in Singapore she laughed and laughed all the way to the car. This last Thanksgiving, she laughed and laughed as we watched "Dennis the Menace" and heard the famous line, "Baby rump kisser." I love it when she laughs and so does everyone else. You can't help but join in.
  • Grandma is beautiful and has the greatest taste. She always looks grand, polished and classical. She isn't "grandma-ish" in style at all. She is trendy and fresh. I love her long coats, manicured nails, gorgeous jewelry and shining hair. One of my favorite things to do with Grandma is shop. She is a master shopper and always has the most unique and special pieces in her home. 
  • Grandma Trudy is a FABULOUS cook. It makes my mouth water to think of the delectables we always enjoy at Grandma's house. I looked forward to my yellow cake with chocolate frosting all year long. Other foods she always seemed to have readily accessible were jellybeans, the big tub of licorice, Bear Lake raspberry jam, Bear Claws, popsicles and ice cream galore. Things that were always associated with a trip to Grandma's. Now that my palate has become a little more sophisticated, I relish her cooking even more: homemade lasagna, Yorkshire Pudding and gravy, homemade rolls, scones, Hambone soup and a million other meals that became traditions in our family. The taste so wonderful because she bakes everything with Love. 
  • Grandma Trudy is caring to each of her children and grandchildren. Every one gets attention. When she wraps you in her arms, pulls you close and kisses the top of your head you feel like the most Special person in the world. She wants to know about you. Since I can remember she has asked me, "What's in your heart today?" and "Do you know how special you are?" and "Do you know how much I love you?" I never get tired of hearing them.
  • Grandma Trudy is constantly serving in the church. She connects with others so well and knows how to assess their needs. She was a perfect "mother and friend" to all those missionaries in the Singapore Mission, to the Single Adults, to the Young Men and Women, the Relief Society, and on and on and on. I could never sing her praises enough and describe how humbly and faithfully she serves those she is called to nurture and those who she is not called to nurture. 
I might have to do a Part Two. I could never give a full description on why she is so wonderful. Her shining characteristics are incalculable. She is like Mary Poppins--"Practically Perfect in Every Way." I love my Grandma Trudy, my Banny, so much. I strive daily to be more like her and make her even more proud of me.


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