Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Oh the Craftiness of Me...





Centsational Girl gave me the idea. Man I love that blog. It was a fun project, but spray painting is definitely not as easy as it sounds. I got some crazy drips and my fingers were cramping. No bueno.
Censational Girl says to always check thrift stores. That's pretty much all I did Saturday. I found the table at the Idaho Youth Ranch for $20. Not bad huh? I think I'm forming a habit. All I think about is going back to thrift stores to see if anything "new" came in. haha.
I also made the jewelry frame that she showed on her blog and it turned out just adorable. I am using it as one of the projects for our ward's Super Saturday in October.
More projects to come I'm sure...


Chatty Natty said...'re addicted! Love it!!! And you need the spray paint attachment (the little black gun that slides over the tip) it does wonders with the cramping. And have you checked out Hidden Treasures in Shelley? The mega thrift store but their prices are outrageous. Just give em an offer and if they say no then leave. It works.

Great job! Isn't it fun??

Chatty Natty said...

And let me guess....heirloom white??

crazy mandy said...

CUTE!! i love that! i am gonna check that blog out for sure!

Amber Horch said...

What a fun little project! It looks amazing! I have been dying to do something like that. Maybe I will hit some thrift stores tomorrow. You've inspired me!

Brittany Webster said...

WOW! Cristine who knew this was in you -I mean this looks amazing - I would buy that whole set up in a store. It all turned out really cute! That is awesome! Great job.