Monday, October 04, 2010

Hawaii, Part X: Pearl Harbor

The trip ended with a visit to Pearl Harbor. 
It's truly astounding to stand on holy ground and remember all the lives lost for our country. I am so proud to be an American and cherish this divinely blessed country in which we live!

We took the boat ride to see the Arizona Memorial. The Memorial stands over the sunken ship: the final resting place for the 1,777+ crewman who were killed on the USS Arizona at Pearl Harbor.

To this day, survivors from USS Arizona can choose to be laid to rest inside the sunken ship. 
I think that is so amazing and patriotic--to be laid to rest with your brothers. 

The names of all the men are etched into a marble wall in the Shrine Room.

 After the Arizona Memorial, Scott, Lina, Dad and I toured the USS Missouri. It was the ship where the Japanese signed their surrender. It has been converted into a museum. The guns were huge and the stairs were tiny and steep. It would be a dangerous place to work and live if you were a klutz.

 Pearl Harbor was a nice, patriotic close to an adventurous Hawaiian vacation. We are so blessed!

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