Monday, June 11, 2012


this is it. freak out time. it's the last month before the big change. and now, just two more weeks til scott and i have a 1 year old, and officially start crying over how fast time goes and how much he's grown and all that he's accomplished. you'd think the kid was about to receive the Nobel Peace Prize. but he's kind of a big deal so i'm allowed to be dramatic. he's like the Justin Beiber in my life. i just can't get enough. i got the fever. "baby, baby, baby, oh!"

he said Mama for the first time a couple weeks ago. actually he whined it. he crawled up to my feet, pulled himself onto my legs, nearly yanking my pants down and pathetically pleaded, "Mama...Baba!" it was so sweet. and sad that he was that hungry he felt he needed to break the communication barrier. now i hear "mama" a million times a day.

and boy is he a ham! he loves to blow raspberries on my legs, try and playfully bite my toes, dance (his trademark move is the pelvic thrust), shriek so high-pitched that dogs have been deafened, growl as he plays with his dinosaurs, bang on his eating tray, feed me bits of food, and crazily crawl around in circles. i absolutely love it.

and on June 25th you can bet i'll be singing this special little classic (click below)... along with happy birthday of course.

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