Saturday, April 28, 2012


there are times when i look at him and think, "slow down! stop growing up!", but more and more i have the thought of, "i can't wait to see what you'll do next! i can't wait to see you as a little boy!" his hair is starting to curl at the ends and he's pulling himself up on his feet and tugging on my pants when he wants to be picked up and it is all so wonderful. it's a marvel to watch him grow into my little boy and become less and less of a baby. yes, sometimes i shed a tear or two when i watch home videos of him cooing at me and just sitting still in my arms cuddling, but then i remember how fun life is with a shrieking 10 month old crawling at my feet, getting in the trash, pulling down the hand towel for the 1,387th time, and staring up at me with those inquisitive, darling blue eyes. he makes life an adventure and we are so happy he is ours.

hah. oh man. caught red-handed. i fear this boy will be veeerrrryyyy mischievous.
**and is anyone else ultra-depressed that picnik is gone?**

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