and he's already into everything: chewing on computer chords, finding bits of paper on the floor, grabbing the cat's tail, rolling off the bed. yes sir. jay-bird is on the move. and feisty. oh so feisty. he had his first breakdown in Pueblo Viejo the other night. you know...that shrill and out of nowhere, tantrum scream that only comes from losing a beloved straw to the fake terracotta depths below. scott and i just looked at each other telepathically communicating: was that our son!? so this is why people usually bypass bringing their kids to restaurants. ah. and it will just get better. maybe jacob will even follow in his cousin Charlie's footsteps and ralph in a Red Lobster one day. ah, what exciting memories will be made.
but for now, we relish the simple, non-dramatic moments of simply being best buds and hanging out all day. today, for example, was gorgeous. the warmest its been so far. spring, glorious spring. jacob slobbered on the windows in his excitement then ate some grass just to digest the wonderful sunshiny-ness of it all. i don't think it tasted very good. but our mini picnic was fabulous nonetheless. i love his intense curiosity and furrowed brow as he examines the world around him then giggles in approval. he's the best. and getting too big too fast.
i'm seriously going to have to beat the girls off with a stick. this smirk cannot be ignored.
he has got the prettiest blue eyes. you lucky girl!! he is so adorable! so handsome! I love these pictures!
Oh my goodness I just want to hug him and kiss those chubby adorable cheeks! And I love his personality, which I can tell just from those pictures!
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