Thursday, December 15, 2011

solvang, how i love thee

what trip to california wouldn't be complete without the traditional trip to solvang? i don't know what it is about that place. maybe it's the fudge. maybe it's the christmas lights in the trees. maybe it's the one hundred small christmas trees decorated in front of every store window. maybe its the overall scandinavian feel. but i think most definitely it's because it simply is tradition. memories ooze from every cobblestone. and because of that i feel like it belongs to me and to my family. like it's OUR place. so it was fun to introduce jacob, scott and his parents to my magical getaway filled with heroic adventures (i saved my cousin camille from drowning in the little mermaid fountain), holiday motorcyclists blasting christmas music and delectable cheese and apple danishes (that i saved to have at home later but then was eaten. by. mom.)

 thank you thank you heather for driving and sharing the day with us!

and speaking of scandinavian stuff, St. Lucia's Day was tuesday. i was totally going to buy a Lucia head wreath in solvang. but alas. i did not. i wanted the legit one. the metal one where actual candlesticks are stuck in there and set aflame. so awesome. but. i don't have a girl. and i could have worn it myself  but carrying jacob around the house with candles on my head just seemed too much of a risk. but when i have a girl....

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