Thursday, June 16, 2011

baby G nursery

the space is only missing one thing: a BABY! (and a changing pad. and a good vacuuming job.)


Brittany Webster said...

OH MY GOODNESS! I absolutely love this nursery! Seriously it is so perfect! Baby G will be so happy to see his new home!

Romney said...

Super Cute!! I love it all!

Amber Horch said...

LOVE IT!!! That dresser/changing table is A-MAZE-ING!! And the bedding is adorable! I'm so excited for you guys.

Ashley said...

Your room is so cute and I can't believe you are about to have a baby so soon!!


Totally listening to a cd you made me forever when we hung out back in our California days, pre-roomies.

And I Miss you!!
And your laugh.

Tell Scott Hi and keep us all posted on that baby of yours that's destined to be adorable!

The Snead Family said...

LOVE IT!!!!! I cannot wait to see this little G. I seriously am checking your blog EVERY day. I agree with ash- this baby is destined to be adorable...and you are going to be such a good mama and scott a great dada. ahhh- cant wait. love you lots girl!!!

brittneyboucha said...

I love your nursery! Ive never had one so i love seeing yours. We have that same crib. i love it. but i so love your baby belly best! Hes almost here! YEA YEA! your so smart to enjoy your last hubby and you days. I dont really remember having many of those. Oh yea we barely did :) Dates, Dates, and more dates are so fun though and important! oh my gosh its so close!!!

Celeste said...

SO Cute Cristine! I am so excited for you guys to have a baby!!!! I love the flags and the migdoodle thing behind the chair!