Thursday, May 20, 2010

trips + treats: Day Trip to Salt Lake City

Scott had to be in Salt Lake for a training day. It was my day off so I figured I'd tag along and enjoy the day traveling and talking. Travel we did. And talk we did. And EAT we did. Scott took me to The Lion House. I had never been there before, but always ooo'd and ahhh'd over the quaint exterior of the building: its bright green shutters, plentiful windows, fresh country look and masses of colorful flowers. Ah. So picturesque. I wish I lived there. Scott would say things like, "Do you like it? It's like the White Sands or Green Gables." The man knows me well. He knows the perfect references to get my heart all a-flutter. Love him.

After I dropped Scott off, I headed to Lehi to visit with one of my oldest and dearest friends, Allysa Wilson Beers...and of course...William! He is just as cute as I imagined. Look at this happy mother/son duo! Precious.

Lots of driving for one day. But look at that face! Wouldn't have missed it for the world. (And isn't Allysa BEAUTIFUL!!!?)

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