Friday, November 06, 2009


NaNoWriMo...National Novel Writing Month.

I decided to take the challenge this year and write a 50,000 word/175 page novel in 30 days. So from November 1st to midnight on November 30th I will be writing like a madwoman. As of right now, I feel hopelessly behind and nowhere near the 10,000 words I need to reach by the end of today. But, I'm trying to stay optimistic and keep inspired.

The team at NaNoWriMo assures everyone that particpates its worthwhile and though the end result is often "crap" its the first stage to get a novel going. My inner editor is having an anxiety attack because all I want to do is read back through what I've written and change things. I'm a perfectionist and nothing I write feels great to me. Why can't I be Stephenie Meyer, or Suzanne Collins or Laurie Halse Anderson?

But I'm proud to say that I havent read through it ONCE! This is a MAJOR breakthrough for me. Right now the goal is WRITE WRITE WRITE and try to be happy about it. Writing a novel has always been a goal for me and is always in the back of my mind. NaNoWriMo is a good excuse to knuckle down and get 'er done.

The team at NaNoWriMo advised a way to keep you on track and forced to finish it: Tell Everyone You're Writing a Novel and you'll feel pressured to finish. Peer pressure in this case seems to be a great thing.

So here I go. Only 45,468 words to go. Yikes.


Romney said...

Way to go!! I'm so impressed! I'm sure it will be great! Good luck!

S and RA Beazer said...

I have another friend who is participating. This is so cool. Keep at it. You'll do great.

Nikkie said...

Are you done yet?
Is that enough pressure for you-I'm sure you're going to be pleasantly surprised with what you accomplished when you are done. Who will get to read it?